Street Fighter 2 Special Champion Edition GG Cheats CS-G CS-MD BS-G
Super Street Fighter 2 - The New Challengers GG CS-G BS-G
Game Genie Codes For Street Fighter 2 Special Champion Edition Download PAT File | ||
# | Code | Description |
2 | TWPA-AAH0 | Start with 3/4 energy |
3 | MCPA-AAH0 | Start with 1/2 energy |
4 | FWPA-AAH0 | Start with 1/4 energy |
5 | FDTA-BBHT | Start with 90 seconds instead of 99 |
6 | FDTA-BA9T | Start with 70 seconds |
7 | FDTA-BA1T | Start with 50 seconds |
8 | FDTA-BAST | Start with 30 seconds |
9 | FDTA-BAHT | Start with 10 seconds |
10 | FDTA-BXHW | First bonus round is 99 seconds instead of 40 |
11 | FDTA-ABHW | First bonus round is 80 seconds |
12 | FDTA-AA9W | First bonus round is 60 seconds |
13 | FDTA-AASW | First bonus round is 20 seconds |
14 | FDTA-BXHY | Second bonus round is 99 seconds |
15 | FDTA-ABHY | Second bonus round is 80 seconds |
16 | FDTA-AA9Y | Second bonus round is 60 seconds |
17 | FDTA-AASY | Second bonus round is 20 seconds |
18 | RFBT-C6VY | Most attacks do no damage--THROWS STILL WORK |
19 | VL6A-EZEG | Throws do 3x normal damage |
20 | MW6A-F2YG | Throws do 2x normal damage |
21 | ER6A-EGNG | Throws do 3/4x normal damage |
22 | C86A-FREG | Throws do 1/2x normal damage |
23 | AC6A-EAEG | Throws do no damage |
24 | 97BT-DE3Y | First hit wins battle |
25 | AC3T-CAGE | Allows special moves in mid-air |
26 | AG1T-DA8C | Special moves are sometimes disabled--MAY |
27 | ADBA-F332 | Ryu jumps forward farther |
28 | ADBA-F932 | Ryu jumps forward not as far |
29 | YDBA-EJCA | Ryu jumps backward farther |
30 | EDBA-ECCA | Ryu jumps backward not as far |
31 | ADBA-EJCN + ADBA-EJCY | Ryu jumps up much lower |
32 | ADBA-ELCN + ADBA-ELCY | Ryu jumps up lower |
33 | ADBA-ETCN + ADBA-ETCY | Ryu jumps up higher |
34 | ADBA-EYCN + ADBA-EYCY | Ryu jumps up much higher |
35 | ADBA-EJB6 | Ryu jumps forward much lower |
36 | ADBA-ELB6 | Ryu jumps forward lower |
37 | ADBA-ETB6 | Ryu jumps forward higher |
38 | ADBA-EYB6 | Ryu jumps forward much higher |
39 | ADBA-EJCE | Ryu jumps backward much lower |
40 | ADBA-ELCE | Ryu jumps backward lower |
41 | ADBA-ETCE | Ryu jumps backward higher |
42 | ADBA-EYCE | Ryu jumps backward much higher |
43 | ADBA-F342 | Edmond Honda jumps forward farther |
44 | ADBA-F942 | Edmond Honda jumps forward not as far |
45 | YDBA-EJDA | Edmond Honda jumps backward farther |
46 | EDBA-ECDA | Edmond Honda jumps backward not as far |
47 | ADBA-EJDN + ADBA-EJDY | Edmond Honda jumps up much lower |
48 | ADBA-ELDN + ADBA-ELDY | Edmond Honda jumps up lower |
49 | ADBA-ETDN + ADBA-ETDY | Edmond Honda jumps up higher |
50 | ADBA-EYDN + ADBA-EYDY | Edmond Honda jumps up much higher |
51 | ADBA-EJC6 | Edmond Honda jumps forward much lower |
52 | ADBA-ELC6 | Edmond Honda jumps forward lower |
53 | ADBA-ETC6 | Edmond Honda jumps forward higher |
54 | ADBA-EYC6 | Edmond Honda jumps forward much higher |
55 | ADBA-EJDE | Edmond Honda jumps backward much lower |
56 | ADBA-ELDE | Edmond Honda jumps backward lower |
57 | ADBA-ETDE | Edmond Honda jumps backward higher |
58 | ADBA-EYDE | Edmond Honda jumps backward much higher |
59 | ADBA-F352 | Blanka jumps forward farther |
60 | ADBA-F952 | Blanka jumps forward not as far |
61 | YDBA-EJEA | Blanka jumps backward farther |
62 | EDBA-ECEA | Blanka jumps backward not as far |
63 | ADBA-EJEN + ADBA-EJEY | Blanka jumps up much lower |
64 | ADBA-ENEN + ADBA-ENEY | Blanka jumps up lower |
65 | ADBA-E0EN + ADBA-E0EY | Blanka jumps up higher |
66 | ADBA-E4EN + ADBA-E4EY | Blanka jumps up much higher |
67 | ADBA-EJD6 | Blanka jumps forward much lower |
68 | ADBA-END6 | Blanka jumps forward lower |
69 | ADBA-E0D6 | Blanka jumps forward higher |
70 | ADBA-E4D6 | Blanka jumps forward much higher |
71 | ADBA-EJEE | Blanka jumps backward much lower |
72 | ADBA-ENEE | Blanka jumps backward lower |
73 | ADBA-E0EE | Blanka jumps backward higher |
74 | ADBA-E4EE | Blanka jumps backward much higher |
75 | ADBA-F362 | Guile jumps forward farther |
76 | ADBA-F962 | Guile jumps forward not as far |
77 | YDBA-EJFA | Guile jumps backward farther |
78 | EDBA-ECFA | Guile jumps backward not as far |
79 | ADBA-EJFN + ADBA-EJFY | Guile jumps up much lower |
80 | ADBA-ELFN + ADBA-ELFY | Guile jumps up lower |
81 | ADBA-ETFN + ADBA-ETFY | Guile jumps up higher |
82 | ADBA-EYFN + ADBA-EYFY | Guile jumps up much higher |
83 | ADBA-EJE6 | Guile jumps forward much lower |
84 | ADBA-ELE6 | Guile jumps forward lower |
85 | ADBA-ETE6 | Guile jumps forward higher |
86 | ADBA-EYE6 | Guile jumps forward much higher |
87 | ADBA-EJFE | Guile jumps backward much lower |
88 | ADBA-ELFE | Guile jumps backward lower |
89 | ADBA-ETFE | Guile jumps backward higher |
90 | ADBA-EYFE | Guile jumps backward much higher |
91 | ADBA-F372 | Ken jumps forward farther |
92 | ADBA-F972 | Ken jumps forward not as far |
93 | YDBA-EJGA | Ken jumps backward farther |
94 | EDBA-ECGA | Ken jumps backward not as far |
95 | ADBA-EJGN + ADBA-EJGY | Ken jumps up much lower |
96 | ADBA-ELGN + ADBA-ELGY | Ken jumps up lower |
97 | ADBA-ETGN + ADBA-ETGY | Ken jumps up higher |
98 | ADBA-EYGN + ADBA-EYGY | Ken jumps up much higher |
99 | ADBA-EJF6 | Ken jumps forward much lower |
100 | ADBA-ELF6 | Ken jumps forward lower |
101 | ADBA-ETF6 | Ken jumps forward higher |
102 | ADBA-EYF6 | Ken jumps forward much higher |
103 | ADBA-EJGE | Ken jumps backward much lower |
104 | ADBA-ELGE | Ken jumps backward lower |
105 | ADBA-ETGE | Ken jumps backward higher |
106 | ADBA-EYGE | Ken jumps backward much higher |
107 | ADBA-F382 | Chun Li jumps forward farther |
108 | ADBA-F982 | Chun Li jumps forward not as far |
109 | YDBA-EJHA | Chun Li jumps backward farther |
110 | EDBA-ECHA | Chun Li jumps backward not as far |
111 | ADBA-EJHN + ADBA-EJHY | Chun Li jumps up much lower |
112 | ADBA-ENHN + ADBA-ENHY | Chun Li jumps up lower |
113 | ADBA-EYHN + ADBA-EYHY | Chun Li jumps up higher |
114 | ADBA-E2HN + ADBA-E2HY | Chun Li jumps up much higher |
115 | ADBA-EJG6 | Chun Li jumps forward much lower |
116 | ADBA-ENG6 | Chun Li jumps forward lower |
117 | ADBA-EYG6 | Chun Li jumps forward higher |
118 | ADBA-E2G6 | Chun Li jumps forward much higher |
119 | ADBA-EJHE | Chun Li jumps backward much lower |
120 | ADBA-ENHE | Chun Li jumps backward lower |
121 | ADBA-EYHE | Chun Li jumps backward higher |
122 | ADBA-E2HE | Chun Li jumps backward much higher |
123 | ADBA-F392 | Zangief jumps forward farther |
124 | ADBA-F992 | Zangief jumps forward not as far |
125 | YDBT-EJAA | Zangief jumps backward farther |
126 | EDBT-ECAA | Zangief jumps backward not as far |
127 | ADBT-EJAN + ADBT-EJAY | Zangief jumps up much lower |
128 | ADBT-ELAN + ADBT-ELAY | Zangief jumps up lower |
129 | ADBT-ETAN + ADBT-ETAY | Zangief jumps up higher |
130 | ADBT-EYAN + ADBT-EYAY | Zangief jumps up much higher |
131 | ADBA-EJH6 | Zangief jumps forward much lower |
132 | ADBA-ELH6 | Zangief jumps forward lower |
133 | ADBA-ETH6 | Zangief jumps forward higher |
134 | ADBA-EYH6 | Zangief jumps forward much higher |
135 | ADBT-EJAE | Zangief jumps backward much lower |
136 | ADBT-ELAE | Zangief jumps backward lower |
137 | ADBT-ETAE | Zangief jumps backward higher |
138 | ADBT-EYAE | Zangief jumps backward much higher |
139 | ADBT-F322 | Dhalsim jumps forward farther |
140 | ADBT-F922 | Dhalsim jumps forward not as far |
141 | YDBT-EJBA | Dhalsim jumps backward farther |
142 | EDBT-ECBA | Dhalsim jumps backward not as far |
143 | ADBT-EJBN + ADBT-EJBY | Dhalsim jumps up much lower |
144 | ADBT-ETBN + ADBT-ETBY | Dhalsim jumps up higher |
145 | ADBT-EYBN + ADBT-EYBY | Dhalsim jumps up much higher |
146 | ADBT-EJA6 | Dhalsim jumps forward much lower |
147 | ADBT-ETA6 | Dhalsim jumps forward higher |
148 | ADBT-EYA6 | Dhalsim jumps forward much higher |
149 | ADBT-EJBE | Dhalsim jumps backward much lower |
150 | ADBT-ETBE | Dhalsim jumps backward higher |
151 | ADBT-EYBE | Dhalsim jumps backward much higher |
152 | ADBT-F332 | M. Bison jumps forward farther |
153 | ADBT-F932 | M. Bison jumps forward not as far |
154 | YDBT-EJCA | M. Bison jumps backward farther |
155 | EDBT-ECCA | M. Bison jumps backward not as far |
156 | ADBT-EJCN + ADCT-EJCY | M. Bison jumps up much lower |
157 | ADBT-ENCN + ADCT-ENCY | M. Bison jumps up lower |
158 | ADBT-EYCN + ADCT-EYCY | M. Bison jumps up higher |
159 | ADBT-E2CN + ADCT-E2CY | M. Bison jumps up much higher |
160 | ADBT-EJB6 | M. Bison jumps forward much lower |
161 | ADBT-ENB6 | M. Bison jumps forward lower |
162 | ADBT-EYB6 | M. Bison jumps forward higher |
163 | ADBT-E2B6 | M. Bison jumps forward much higher |
164 | ADBT-EJCE | M. Bison jumps backward much lower |
165 | ADBT-ENCE | M. Bison jumps backward lower |
166 | ADBT-EYCE | M. Bison jumps backward higher |
167 | ADBT-E2CE | M. Bison jumps backward much higher |
168 | ADBT-F342 | Sagat jumps forward farther |
169 | ADBT-F942 | Sagat jumps forward not as far |
170 | YDBT-EJDA | Sagat jumps backward farther |
171 | EDBT-ECDA | Sagat jumps backward not as far |
172 | ADBT-EJDN + ADBT-EJDY | Sagat jumps up much lower |
173 | ADBT-ELDN + ADBT-ELDY | Sagat jumps up lower |
174 | ADBT-ETDN + ADBT-ETDY | Sagat jumps up higher |
175 | ADBT-EYDN + ADBT-EYDY | Sagat jumps up much higher |
176 | ADBT-EJC6 | Sagat jumps forward much lower |
177 | ADBT-ELC6 | Sagat jumps forward lower |
178 | ADBT-ETC6 | Sagat jumps forward higher |
179 | ADBT-EYC6 | Sagat jumps forward much higher |
180 | ADBT-EJDE | Sagat jumps backward much lower |
181 | ADBT-ELDE | Sagat jumps backward lower |
182 | ADBT-ETDE | Sagat jumps backward higher |
183 | ADBT-EYDE | Sagat jumps backward much higher |
184 | ADBT-F352 | Balrog jumps forward farther |
185 | ADBT-F952 | Balrog jumps forward not as far |
186 | YDBT-EJEA | Balrog jumps backward farther |
187 | EDBT-ECEA | Balrog jumps backward not as far |
188 | ADBT-EJEN + ADBT-EJEY | Balrog jumps up much lower |
189 | ADBT-ELEN + ADBT-ELEY | Balrog jumps up lower |
190 | ADBT-ETEN + ADBT-ETEY | Balrog jumps up higher |
191 | ADBT-EYEN + ADBT-EYEY | Balrog jumps up much higher |
192 | ADBT-EJD6 | Balrog jumps forward much lower |
193 | ADBT-ELD6 | Balrog jumps forward lower |
194 | ADBT-ETD6 | Balrog jumps forward higher |
195 | ADBT-EYD6 | Balrog jumps forward much higher |
196 | ADBT-EJEE | Balrog jumps backward much lower |
197 | ADBT-ELEE | Balrog jumps backward lower |
198 | ADBT-ETEE | Balrog jumps backward higher |
199 | ADBT-EYEE | Balrog jumps backward much higher |
200 | ADBT-F362 | Vega jumps forward farther |
201 | ADBT-F962 | Vega jumps forward not as far |
202 | YDBT-EJFA | Vega jumps backward farther |
203 | EDBT-ECFA | Vega jumps backward not as far |
204 | ADBT-ENFN + ADCT-ENFY | Vega jumps up much lower |
205 | ADBT-ETFN + ADCT-ETFY | Vega jumps up lower |
206 | ADBT-E2FN + ADCT-E2FY | Vega jumps up higher |
207 | ADBT-E6FN + ADCT-E6FY | Vega jumps up much higher |
208 | ADBT-ENE6 | Vega jumps forward much lower |
209 | ADBT-ETE6 | Vega jumps forward lower |
210 | ADBT-E2E6 | Vega jumps forward higher |
211 | ADBT-E6E6 | Vega jumps forward much higher |
212 | ADBT-ENFE | Vega jumps backward much lower |
213 | ADBT-ETFE | Vega jumps backward lower |
214 | ADBT-E2FE | Vega jumps backward higher |
215 | ADBT-E6FE | Vega jumps backward much higher |
216 | LDBA-F13E | Light fireballs go faster |
217 | 4XBA-F73E | Light fireballs go slower |
218 | LDBA-F13G | Medium fireballs go faster |
219 | 4XBA-F73G | Medium fireballs go slower |
220 | LDBA-F13J | Hard fireballs go faster |
221 | 4XBA-F73J | Hard fireballs go slower |
222 | CCFT-CWC4 | Edmond Honda's light sumo head butts are faster |
223 | CCFT-CGC4 | Edmond Honda's light sumo head butts are slower |
224 | CCFT-CWC6 | Edmond Honda's medium sumo head butts are faster |
225 | CCFT-CGC6 | Edmond Honda's medium sumo head butts are slower |
226 | CCFT-CWC8 | Edmond Honda's hard sumo head butts are faster |
227 | CCFT-CGC8 | Edmond Honda's hard sumo head butts are slower |
228 | AARA-ETHC | M. Bison's light psycho crusher is faster |
229 | AARA-EEHC | M. Bison's light psycho crusher is slower |
230 | AARA-ETHE | M. Bison's medium psycho crusher is faster |
231 | AARA-EEHE | M. Bison's medium psycho crusher is slower |
232 | AARA-ETHG | M. Bison's hard psycho crusher is faster |
233 | AARA-EEHG | M. Bison's hard psycho crusher is slower |
234 | AASA-ETBY | M. Bison's light scissor kick is faster |
235 | AASA-EGBY | M. Bison's light scissor kick is slower |
236 | AASA-ETB0 | M. Bison's medium scissor kick is faster |
237 | AASA-EGB0 | M. Bison's medium scissor kick is slower |
238 | AASA-ETB2 | M. Bison's hard scissor kick is faster |
239 | AASA-EGB2 | M. Bison's hard scissor kick is slower |
240 | AAXA-EWAW | Balrog's dash punch is faster |
241 | AAXA-EEAW | Balrog's dash punch is slower |
242 | AAXT-E0FC | Balrog's quick turn punch is faster |
243 | AAXT-EGFC | Balrog's quick turn punch is slower |
244 | HTWT-FALJ + AAWT-EYCL | All of Balrog's turn punches are the fastest |
245 | HTWT-FALJ + AEWT-EACL | All of Balrog's turn punches are the slowest |
246 | ACWA-CJAT | Chun Li's whirlwind kick goes faster |
247 | ACWA-CCAT | Chun Li's whirlwind kick goes slower |
248 | ACLA-CTAL | Blanka's light rolling attack is faster |
249 | ACLA-CGAL | Blanka's light rolling attack is slower |
250 | ACLA-CTAN | Blanka's medium rolling attack is faster |
251 | ACLA-CGAN | Blanka's medium rolling attack is slower |
252 | ACLA-CTAR | Blanka's hard rolling attack is faster |
253 | ACLA-CGAR | Blanka's hard rolling attack is slower |
254 | ADBA-FZ3L | Sagat's light tiger shot is faster |
255 | ADBA-F93L | Sagat's light tiger shot is slower |
256 | ADBA-FZ3N | Sagat's medium tiger shot is faster |
257 | ADBA-F93N | Sagat's medium tiger shot is slower |
258 | ADBA-FZ3R | Sagat's hard tiger shot is faster |
259 | ADBA-F93R | Sagat's hard tiger shot is slower |
Cheats For Street Fighter 2 Special Champion Edition | ||
# | Type | Description |
1 | Only Special Moves | You must have a 6-button controller for the Genesis to do this trick. At the CAPCOM logo, press these buttons on controller one in this order: DOWN, Z, UP, X, A, Y, B, and C. You will hear Chun Li say, "Ya Tai." Choose Game Start and play a one or two player game using only special moves or throws! These are the only moves that you can use in the game. This can present more of a challenge to experts of the game. |
2 | Same Character In Battle Mode | You must have a 6-button controller for the Gensis to do this trick. At the title screen, choose a game. At the next screen choose Group Battle. At the battle mode screen, press these buttons in this order on controller two: DOWN, Z, UP, X, A, Y, B, and C. You will then hear Chun Li's voice. After that choose Match Play or Elimination. Now, you can choose the same character to play against in Match or Elimination mode. |
3 | 5 Stars In Champion Mode | To get 5 stars in the Champion Mode of the game do this trick. When the cinema of the fighters begins, and it scrolls up the building, wait until the screen fades and only the Street Fighter II words are showing. If you have a 6-button controller, quickly press the buttons in this order: DOWN, Z, UP, X, A, Y, B, and C. If you do not happen to have a 6-button controller, you can do this trick with a 3-button controller. For the 3-button controller press the buttons in this order: DOWN, C, UP, A, A, B, B, and C. If the trick is done right you will then hear Zangief's voice. Now, on the title screenn go to the champoin option and move right, you should now be able to see five stars. |
4 | Configure Controller | Here's an easy way to configure your controller without using option codes. Go to the Character Select Screen and pick your characters in a one- or two-player game. After you choose your characters, press and hold START. When you fly onto the stage, a configuration screen will appear. |
NAME: Street Fighter 2 series (3 titles) AUTHOR/VENDOR: Capcom RELEASED: various TYPE: Fighting LANGUAGE: English and Japanese PREMISE: They come from all over the world, from all walks of life, from all beliefs and cultures. Male and female, young and old, small and large, tall and short, they have but one thing in common - they are Street Fighters. A breed apart from your average brawler, the Street Fighter is the ultimate physical fighting machine. Each has his or her own unique talents and skills, and each lives by the Street Fighter code. Every year, once a year, they travel all over the world and battle each other for the world championship among their kind. Are you capable enough to join their ranks and compete for that ultimate prize? The one and only original which spawned a ton of ripoffs and imitators, although only a few (Mortal Kombat, Tekken, etc) came close to duplicating its success. IMPRESSIONS: God, I hope you're familar with this by now. A great game, but it is showing its age. Besides, Super Steet Fighter 2 renders [all previous entries] obsolete. (Rage Games) VARIATIONS: The original Street Fighter 2 (aka Street Fighter 2 - The World Warrior) was apparently not released for the G/MD. Street Fighter 2 Turbo (1992, aka Turbo Hyper Fighting - expands the roster from eight to twelve fighters, but little else has changed from the original - I have seen only a copyright-less Japanese beta of this that is also missing the Capcom logo - this may have been the basis for the G/MD Championship Edition - I have a strong suspicion that this version of the game was never officially released) Street Fighter 2 Plus - Chamionship Edition (1993, this is the best-known of the SF2 variants, with a twelve character fighter roster and overhauled game engine) Super Street Fighter 2 - The New Challengers (1994, the most impressive of the Genesis series with a sixteen character fighter roster - this is the only known 40 mbit cart in existence for the platform, utilizing a unique bank-switching technique to access its stored backgrounds - the extra room was required for the improved graphics and expanded roster)
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