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Excerpt from Genesis Game Guide by The Scribe

NAME:             Battle Master
AUTHOR/VENDOR:    Arena/Mirrorsoft
RELEASED:         1991
TYPE:             RPG
LANGUAGE:         English

PREMISE:          Long ago, an ancient crown with great powers was broken
                  into four pieces and divided among the various kingdoms
                  of the world.  Prophecy says that the crown will only be
                  restored when one comes worthy enough to put an end to
                  all wars.  No one has heeded the prophecy for many
                  centuries, but now comes one who is willing to take the
                  challenge - a brave soul who is willing to take up the
                  quest to become the one and only Battle Master....

IMPRESSIONS:      A more traditional RPG than its Japanese cousins, with
                  just a hint of arcade play thrown in for good measure.
                  Simplistic by Phantasy Star standards, so its probably a
                  good starting point for those new to the genre.

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"Battle Master" | Login/Create Account | 3 comments
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Battle Stinker (Score: 1)
by Vintage_Gamer on Wednesday, December 12 @ 20:09:58 EST
(User Info)

What the hell happened to this game????
This has got to be the worst strategic combat game i've ever played! Graphics: Substandard, Sound: Terrible, Fun: Not on your life!!! Steer clear of this one. good idea and bad execution. Your troops wander away too much, and try to walk infront of a cave, You will die! If you do manage to get ahold of this game, do yourself a favor and use it as a door stop!

Scale Score (1-10) 0.3

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Re: Battle Master (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Sunday, April 25 @ 02:43:52 EDT

This game is probably not going to be enjoyed by anyone. I did enjoy playing this game though. I got very far but the passwords were very long, the game takes to much time to really become good, and the sprites take too long to move.

I still liked it though.

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