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X-Men Series


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Game Genie™ Codes For X-Men
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Is this a big game, or what? These codes offer valuable aid--try X Codes 1 and 2 for protection against enemies and falling off screen. Pole vault over that annoying reset with Code 26 and experience the end of the game.
1A3YA-AA32Protection from most enemy hits
2BDBA-CA34Protection from falling off screen (no health lost)
3ACJT-CAGAProtection from spikes
4AB1A-CAGJ + AB1T-CAHEGambit's lethal burst uses no mutant power
5DKWA-CA4C + DVWA-CA6LNightcrawler's teleport uses no mutant power
6ALKT-CA4LWolverine's claws use no mutant power
7ABET-CAAE + ABDT-CAG8Wolverine's spin slash uses no extra mutant power
8ABMT-CAE2 + ABNA-CAFACyclops' eye-beam uses no mutant power--except when you duck or jump
9ABPA-CAC6 + ABMA-CAC4Cyclops' optic blast uses no mutant power
10ACKT-CAFTMutant power does not regenerate
11TCKT-CAFTMutant power regenerates faster
12ACKT-CEFTMutant power regenerates much faster
13ACKT-CJFTMutant power regenerates to full very quickly
14BC7A-CA5WLets you use Iceman multiple times
15BC9T-CA80Lets you use Archangel multiple times
16BC8T-CA42Lets you use Rogue multiple times
17BC7T-CA2TLets you use Storm multiple times
18P0KT-DAYWWolverine heals himself faster
19ALKA-CA86Switch X-Men an infinite number of times
20AP6T-EAF2Start part way through Savage Land
21AV6T-EAF2Start in Shi'ar Empire
22AZ6T-EAF2Start on Excalibur's Lighthouse stage
23A36T-EAF2Start inside Excalibur's Lighthouse
24A76T-EAF2Start in Ahab's Future World
25BB6T-EAF2Start in Mojo's Crunch
26BK6T-EAF2Start in Asteroid M
27B5BA-CA7TNo mutant power lost when Wolverine falls off screen
Hints For X-Men
1In the upper right-hand corner of the Danger Room there is a box with wires on it. Smash the box and your time limit in the Danger Room will increase from 30 seconds to 1 minute and 30 seconds.
Cheats For X-Men
1Incredible Cheat CodeThis code will allow you to do some incredible things in this game such as acquire unlimited health and mutant powers, warp to diffrent levels of the game, and have an unlimted backup team. First, you must be at the title screen. When the title screen shows, "Press Start Button", take controller one, and hold buttons A, C, and DOWN on the D-Pad, then press START. Now take controller 1 out of port one and plug it into the second controller port on the Genesis. When the picture of Magneto appears, press START. On this controller choose your level of difficulty and your hero. You will use the second controller to play a one-player game. (If you want a two player game, plug a second controller into port one and after selecting your level of difficulty and hero with the controller in port 2.) From here, you can jump to the upper-right area of the Danger Room and destroy the generator. This will give you a time increase in the room. Also, to the right of the hero selection part of the Danger Room, there will be eight (8) panels on the wall, and six (6) large floor tiles underneath them. Each floor tile represents a level of the game. The levels are:
  • (1) - The Savage Land
  • (2) - Shi'ar Empire
  • (3) - Excalibur's Lighthouse
  • (4) - Ahab's Future World
  • (5) - Mojo's Crunch
  • (6) - Asteroid M
Bring your hero to the tile of your choice and press DOWN and C. You will then warp to the level of your choice. If your life or mutant power is down, press START and START again to restore your energy. Your backup team will not dissappear after they have been used.
2Gambit Level SkipUsing Gambit only, you can bypass the first three levels. When inside the danger room, go up to the control room (upper left-hand corner). As you begin to disappear, hold down the A button. The level will START, but you will immediately return to the danger room. After the first level, you will START in Zaladane's Fortress, but you can repeat the trick and skip to the Shiar world and skip again to Excalibur's Lighthouse. Before proceeding to Level Four, you can replenish all of Gambit's power and choose your favorite X-Men superhero. This enables you to START Level Four with all your X-Men at full strength.

Excerpt from Genesis Game Guide by The Scribe

NAME:             X-Men series (2 games)
AUTHOR/VENDOR:    Marvel Games
RELEASED:         various
TYPE:             Action
LANGUAGE:         English

PREMISE:          "Fearing the rising tide of anti-mutant hysteria,
                  Professor Charles Xavier, a mutant telepath, formed the
                  X-Men to confront the fear that mutants will enslave
                  humanity....  The X-Men stand as humanity's only defense
                  against other powerful mutants, such as Magneto, who do
                  not share their dream and insist that the only way
                  mutants can survive the persecution is by forcefully
                  taking their rightful place as humanity's masters."
                  Based on the popular serial by Marvel Comics.

IMPRESSIONS:      This first one is a rather plain and mediocre side-
                  scroller with frustrating gameplay, whereas the second
                  has noticeably improved gameplay and graphics and offers
                  a better choice of player characters as well.  Popular,
                  for obvious reasons.

VARIATIONS:       X-Men (1993 by Sega - you can play as any four pre-chosen
                    X-Men and see cameos from the others)
                  X-Men 2 - Clone Wars (1995 by Headgames - Magneto decides
                    to temporarily switch sides under the threat of an
                    evil techno-bio cloning machine known as the Phalanx -
                    you can even play as Magneto in this one)

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"X-Men Series" | Login/Create Account | 7 comments
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Re: X-Men Series (Score: 1)
by SamuraiJohn on Monday, April 22 @ 17:16:34 EDT
(User Info)

Fun Game... but there is only one problem.. it dsonet work on SEGA Nomad.. :( But its still a hell of a good game to play!!!!!

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Re: X-Men Series (Score: 1)
by deaddudegod on Thursday, August 08 @ 22:12:19 EDT
(User Info)

I've been trying to find a copy of the second game for years, but I have, treasure, and still play the first one a lot. Although, the majot improvements in the second game were the inclusion of Beast and Psylocke (my favourite X-Men).

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Re: X-Men Series (Score: 1)
by makemedance on Wednesday, October 01 @ 15:14:33 EDT
(User Info)

I'm sorry, but I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE X-Men 1. I was so pissed at it that I got pink eye, rubbed my eyes with the cartridge, and returned it to the Sega company asking them to fix it. . .

Okay, so that really didn't happen, but I still hate X-Men 1.

Now X-Men 2 was pretty cool. They redid the gameplay, added some more characters, and called in a new level designer.

All in all, the series wasn't that fantastic (in my mind) and could've been much cooler if Capcom made it--

. . .well, actually they did with the Marvel Super Heroes game for SNES.

Hmm. . . I guess there's no hope for the X-men.

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Re: X-Men Series (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Tuesday, August 24 @ 10:26:57 EDT

X-men is cool I like X-men on movie I seen First and Second one we have X-men 2 I like that movie we seen X-men 1 at time ago Cyclops, Jean Grey, Spyke, Wolverine, Storm, Rogue, Shadowcat, Nightcrawler, Pressofer X, X-men:Evolution I like Shadowcat and Wolverine I watch that show they made of movies too.

Elaine Rem

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