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Klax (Atari-Tengen)

Cartridge Top Label

Cartridge Image

Box Scan

Title Screenshot In Game Screenshot

Cheats For Klax (Atari-Tengen)
1Increase DifficultyTo make this game even harder, Press Up and Left, A, B, and C buttons and then START, on the title screen.

Klax (Namcot)

Cartridge Top Label

Cartridge Image

Title Screenshot In Game Screenshot

Excerpt from Genesis Game Guide by The Scribe

NAME:             Klax
AUTHOR/VENDOR:    various
RELEASED:         1990
TYPE:             Puzzle
LANGUAGE:         English and Japanese

PREMISE:          A fast-paced, awesome puzzle game in the same vein as

IMPRESSIONS:      The Genesis port isn't the best available, as it lacks
                  the colors of the Turbo Graph/X version and the cool
                  music of the SNES version.  It's still worth the look,
                  though, since it's probably the only version you'll ever
                  see for the Genesis. (Rage Games)

VARIATIONS:       There are two slightly different versions of this game -
                  the English release by Atari/Tengen, and the Japanese
                  release by Namco.  The Japanese verison goes a long
                  way towards redressing some of the graphics deficienies
                  of the English version.

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"Klax" | Login/Create Account | 5 comments
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Re: Klax (Score: 1)
by Raine on Saturday, July 20 @ 23:05:17 EDT
(User Info)

this game ate sooooooooooooo much of my money i praised the day that I could buy the console version. What was that? oh right here they are!

Easy mode:

Highlight the "Difficulty" selection on the options

menu and press C(10).

Jump to level 49:

Form an "X" on levels 6 or 11.

[ Reply ]

Re: Klax (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Sunday, July 21 @ 13:57:47 EDT

Who can get 17 000 000 points?

[ Reply ]

Re: Klax (Score: 1)
by deaddudegod on Wednesday, August 07 @ 21:48:44 EDT
(User Info)

And the UK version had a different box and cart. If I can get a scan of it for you I will. I gave my US copy of this to my sister. It's her favourite puzzle game ever.

[ Reply ]

Re: Klax (Score: 1)
by segamaster ( on Saturday, December 14 @ 17:28:31 EST
(User Info) http://none

i just bought this game. i have been looking for it for over 5 years.we used to have it, but i don't know what happened to the copy we origonally had. i was so exited when i found it today on dec. 14th, 2002. oh yeah, tomorrow is my birthday! i'll be 17. KLAX RULES!!!!!

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Want a fun spin on collumns? (Score: 1)
by Hiryu on Sunday, August 12 @ 20:29:54 EDT
(User Info)

Isn't it funny how people poorly misinformed will label a game as a tetris clone when it's actually collumns type game? This is one such game. Klax is like Collumns in that you must match three or more of a color in anyway you can(verticle, horizontal, diaganol) And you can get a special bonuses for doing things like making an X on the field with a shade of falling blocks(extremely tough to do) In Klax, different colored blocks fall down a conveyor belt in a pseudo 3D way. Klax is a very enjoyable game one or two player, but tries a bit too hard to be hip(It is the nineties and it is time for Klax). But if you need a alternative to collumns try Klax out! I also recommend playing Dr. Robotnick's Mean Bean Machine(Puyo Puyo for the americans) which is also like collumns but more fun in my opinion!

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