The compressed air (primary side) in the air tank
is governed to preset pressures by regulators before the air pressure
is sent to the cylinders. Check set pressure every 2 months. Remove
Lid Left from the Mechanism Base to have the Regulator Unit appear,
and check the pressure with the Pressure Gauge attached to each
Regulator. If the pressure within the Compressor is insufficient,
the Regulator's Pressure Gauge will not indicate the correct value.
When checking, first turn the Main SW on and wait until the Compressor
operation stops. Pressure setting given at the time of shipment
are shown in the figure at right.
If the actual pressure is different from the set pressure, adjust it as follows: Before proceeding the work, be sure to turn the Main SW off. However, if the pressure within the Compressor is insufficient, adjustments can not be performed correctly. First, turn the Main SW on, and after the Compressor operation stops, turn the SW off, and then proceed the work.
Pull down the Adjustment Knob of the Regulator until a click is heard.
Turn the Adjustment Knob to make adjustment to the preset pressure.
When the correct setting is established, push up the adjustment knob until a click is heard.
After the setting is finished, play game and check the regulator's pressure gauge once again.