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Game Assignments

Selecting Game Assignments will have the following screen appear, allowing play time, game difficulty, etc. to be set. Refer to the following for the contents of each item.

NOTE: Before exiting, the setting will not be changed. Be sure to Exit after changing the setting.
Set one seat to Master and the other to Slave.
Perform settings regarding vs. play on the Master side. Setting changes made at the Slave side are ineffective. On the Slave side screen, the asterisk mark is attached to the beginning of vs. play related item's line.

1. Press the Service button to bring the arrow to the desired setting change item.
2. Press the Test button to choose the desired setting item.
3. Bring the arrow to Exit and press the Test button to return to the menu mode.

Play Time 1P: Sets Play Time for lP. This can be set for each of Stages 1 to 5, Penalty Screen, Stages 6 to 8 and the Final Stage. Setting to Death Match results in No Time Limit. At this time, the game continues until the winner is determined. The Penalty Screen refers to the special stage which is performed irregularly after the end of the fifth Stage.

Play Time Versus: Sets play time for versus play. Setting to Death Match results in no time limit.

Match Count 1P: Sets the number of matches for 1P. This can be set for each of Stages 1-5, Penalty screen, Stages 6-8. The Final Stage is always one match.

Match Count Vs.: Sets the number of matches for versus play.

Network Link Attribute: Communication play setting is performed. Set one seat to Master and the other to Slave. If Communication play is not applicable, set to No Link.

Winning by Decision: This sets whether the winner is to be determined by decision when the winner is not determined within the time limit. Set to On for decision.

Game Difficulty: The game difficulty is set in four levels, i.e. Easy, Normal, Hard and Very Hard. The setting varies sequentially in order of Easy --> Normal --> Hard -->Very Hard -->Easv... The harder the game difficulty becomes, the more frequent the player will be subject to the enemy's attack and defense.

Advertise Sound: Sets sound effects in 3 levels as follows:
OFF: No sound effects are emitted.
Soft: Sound effects are partially emitted.
Loud: All the sound effects are emitted.

Continued on next page.