Ensure that the "accurately grounded indoor earth terminal"and the earth wire cable are available (except in the case wherea power cord plug with earth is used). This product is equippedwith the earth terminal. Connect the earth terminal and the indoorearth terminal with the prepared cable. If the grounding workis not performed appropriately, customers may be subjected toan electric shock, and the product's functioning may not be stable.
Ensure that the power cord and earth wire are not exposed onthe surface (passage, etc.). If exposed, they can be caught andare susceptible to damage. If damaged, the cord and wire can causean electric shock or short circuit. Ensure that the wiring positionis not in the customer's passage way or the wiring has protectivecovering.
The AC Unit of this product varies depending on AC 110V~ 120VArea (for Taiwan and USA) and AC 220V~240V Area. For the AC 110V~120V Area, the AC Unit has the AC Cable incorporated. For theAC 220V~240V Area, the AC Cable is an insertion type.
1. The AC Unit is on the side of the Front Cabinet. The ACUnit has the Main SW, Earth Terminal and Power Cord (AC 110V~120V Area Specifications). For the AC 220V~240V Area, the AC CableConnector is provided.
2. Ensure that the Main SW is OFF.
3. Connect one end of the earth wire to the AC Unit earth terminal,and the other end to the indoor earth terminal. The AC Unit earthterminal has a Bolt and Nut combination. Take off the Nut, passthe earth wire through the Bolt, and fasten the Nut. The AC Cablehas an Earth Wire incorporated for the AC 220V~240V Area. In thecase where the plug socket has an "accurately grounded IndoorEarth Terminal," work stated in this step is not necessary.
4. Firmly insert the power plug into the AC Cable Plug Socket(AC I I QV ~ 1 20V Area). For the AC 220V ~ 240V Area Specifications,insert the opposite side of the AC Cable Plug into the AC CableConnector.
5. Perform wiring for the Power Cord and Earth Wire. Installprotective covering for the Power Cord and Earth Wire.