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Re: Sonic Series (Score: 1) by Snorter on Friday, 22 June 2001 @ 20:08:09 (User Info) http://www.GenesisCollective.com | Its one of the unlicensed games you see every so often. In this case, it is largely a hack of another unlicensed game, Super Mario Bros, in which Sonic replaces Mario. |
[ Reply | Parent ] Re: Sonic Series (Score: 1) by retrogamer (five@sidebyside.co.uk) on Sunday, 15 July 2001 @ 04:19:54 (User Info) http://www.geocities.com/zombiehorizon | The Super Sonic 6 game totally sucks. It's obvious that there is absolutely no Sega quality there, it lacks in everything. And how the hell can you cross the ultimate hedgehog with an Italian plumber that jumps on Nintendo heads!? Stick with the orginals guys and whoever made Sonic 6 should burn at the stake! |
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