Re: Streets Of Rage Series (Score: 1) by Vintage_Gamer on Wednesday, 12 December 2001 @ 19:55:47 | I have to disagree with this being a final fight clone.
The game itself plays more in a double dragon vein which also was a side-scrolling beat em' up.
On with the review.......
Super game even by today's standards IMHO. Lots of onscreen action, Great music, Intresting bosses (What's up with the Ultimate Warrior dude???) and the ability to do team attacks ;)
Scale Score (1-10) 8.6
Take the original game, make the characters bigger, bosses Bigger, add more moves, more weapons, more enemies, more plot, and individual supers, and you have SOR:2! The hardest boss, as well as the coolest is Shiva the martial arts dude right before Mr. X.
Scale Score (1-10) 9.9
None yet, Trying to accuire the game