Pay close attention to the followings points when installing or inspectingthe game to ensure that the players can enjoy it safely.
o Be sure to turn off the power before working on the machine.
o It is dangerous to insert and pull out the plug quickly.
o It is necessary to make sure that the power cord or the ground wire isnot exposed out in the open where it Day be dangerous. Care should be takenso that grounding connections are made safely at locations specified.
o Do not use fuses which do not meet specified ratings.
o Make complete connections of the IC board and other connectors. Insufficientinsertion is very dangerous. For inspection of IC board circuits, only thelogic tester is allowed. Keep in mind that the usage of a tester is notpermitted.
o The operating (abient) temperature range is from 5°C to 409C.
After confirming that there is no abnormality, turn on the power.
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