Selecting the COIN ASSIGNMENTS in the MENU mode permits you to set thestart number of credits, as well as the basic numbers of coins and credits.,This mode exptresses "how many coins correspond to how many credits."
Setting changescannot be stored unless the TEST BUTTON is pressed while the arrow is opnEXIT.
1.> Press the SERVICE BUTTON to move the arrow to the desired item.
2.> Choose the desired setting change item by using the TEST BUTTON.
3.> To return to the MENU MODE, move the arrow to EXIT and press theTEST BUTTON.
· COIN CHUTE TYPE: Sets the combination of thenumber of COIN CHUTEs and the numbe of players as applicable. In the casethat the COIN CHUTE is changed, be sure the setting is made in a mannermeeting the replaced coin chute.
· COMMON: Coins are accepted in common for bothplayers.
· INDIVIDUAL: Each player uses a coin chute whichaccepts coins independently.
· CREDIT TO START: Number of credits requirede forstarting game. (1~5 credits are selected.)
· CREDIT TO CONTINUE: Number of credits requiredfor continuing game (1~5 credits are selelcted)
· COIN/CREDIT SETTING: Sets the CREDITS increaseincrement per coin insertion. There are 27 settings from #1 to #27, expressedin XX CREDIT as against XX COINS inserted. (TABLE 6.10a, 6.10b) #27 refersto FREE PLAY. When the COIN CHUTE TYPE is set to INDIVIDUAL, there are somesetting numbers not displayed as indicated in TABLE 6.10b.
· MANUAL SETTING: This allows credit increase settingas against coin insertion to be further set in the manner finer than COIN/CREDITSETTING (refer to TABLE 6.10c).