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Ensure that the power cord is not exposed on the surface (passage, etc.). If exposed, they can be caught and are susceptible to damage. If damaged, the cord can cause an electric shock or short circuit. Ensure that the wiring position is not in the customer's passage way or the wiring has protective covering.
The AC Unit is mounted on the left side of the FRONT CABINET DX. The AC Unit incorporates the Main SW, and Inlet. Firmly insert the Power Plug into the Socket Outlet and the other side of the plug to the Inlet. Turn the Main SW ON to turn power ON.
Ensure that the Main SW is OFF.
The AC unit is located on the left side of the Cabinet. The Ac unit incorporates the Main SW, and power cord.
In order to prevent electrical
shock, be sure to turn power off before performing work by touching the
interior parts of the the product. Be careful so as not to damage wirings.
Damaged wirings can cause an electrical shock or short circuit accident.
Be sure to use fuses meeting specified rating. Using fuses exceeding the
specified rating can cause a fire or electrical shock. After eliminating
the cause of the fuse blowing, continued use with the fuse as is blown can
cause generation of heat resulting in fire.
First make sure
that no one is in the periphery of the bike body and turn the Main SW on.
When the power is turned on, the bike body motion starts automatically.
The presence of a person(s) in the periphery of the bike can cause an accident.
Turning the AC Unit's Main SW on will cause the machine to start the POWER
ON check automatically. In the POWER ON check, the bike body banks left
and right, then returns to the centering position and stops. During this
check, do not touch the bike body. If you do, the body reaction (at the
time course-out or crashing) can not be obtained correctly. The Advertise
mode is displayed at the same time the checking is finished. An ERROR display
is indicated if irregularity is found in the POWER ON check. In case of
an irregular reaction during game, turn power off and turn it back on again
to finish the POWER ON check.